A downloadable game

The Electrician

"It takes a working spirit to fix a broken town - or finish the job."

Current build:
0.1_Alpha - The Realtor's Office

Controller support:
- Xbox Gamepad - Yes!
- Playstation - I... I don't know!
- MadCatz 3rd party controller - maybe!
- Wiimote/Kinetc/VR - No.

minimum specs:
- Windows

- We're about to find out

To beat the demo:

Get the "Keys to the Castle" from the Realtor's Keybox to open the "Exit" door at the beginning.


Movement- WASD / Left  Thumbstick
View - Mouse / Right Thumbstick
Interact - MB1 / A button
Alt. interact (keys, menus) - F / X button
Sprint - Shift / Right trigger
Crouch - Ctrl / B button
Lean - Q/E / L/R bumpers
Zoom - MB2 / Right Thumbstick
Enter E.F - Tab / Y button
Pause - P

You cannot trust the controls in the "Settings" option, it's there as a placeholder for now.

Known bugs:

- Damn near everything.
- The Realtor can only "kill" you twice, afterwards he will only follow you without attacking. Reason unknown. Most likely due to optimization.
- When using a controller, you cannot close the menu after opening it. Pause is just kind of broken in general, try to adjust any graphical settings you need in the main menu.
- When in E.F you can still interact with items, so just pretend you can't okay?
- When in E.F you can sometimes "curve" onto objects and start floating towards the ceiling. For now you'll have to restart the game. So uh, watch where you step

Published 5 hours ago


Version 0.1a

Install instructions

  • Download the game, unzip the folder, launch TheElectrician.exe located in the Windows folder

Development log